Date of issue: 15 December 2021
Date of effect: 17 December 2021
- Industry bodies
- Industry Bodies: AMIC, JBS, TEYS, APL, ACMF Plant – Dairy, Fish, Egg
- Consultative committees
- Export Registered Establishments
- Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
- Veterinary and Export Meat (OPVs and meat inspection staff)
- Plant Export Operations
- Meat Export Branch (ATMs and FOMs)
- Residue & Foods Branch
- Exports Standards Branch
- Central and regional offices
- Audit and Assurance Branch
- Food Export Documentation
- Other
- State regulatory authorities
Affected Group
- Export Registered Establishments
To inform owners, operators and managers of export registered establishments and Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment staff of the launch of the Export Service, which will reduce paperwork related to establishment registration and approved arrangements.
Who this applies to
Occupiers of export registered establishments and their staff who are in management and control.
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment staff.
What is changing
From 17 December, the beta release of the Export Service will allow you to manage your establishment details online, including:
- update your establishment
- make changes to management and control
- edit contact details
- apply to make changes to export operations.
Making these changes through the online service is a simpler and easier alternative to lodging an EX26b form by paper or PDF.
Businesses trialling the service will be required to use the Australian Government’s Digital Identity platform. This works the same way as accessing services provided by other agencies, such as the Australian Taxation Office.
At present, applications submitted through the digital service will be processed as per the current process for EX26b applications. You will continue to receive your updated registration certificate in the post, with a confirmation email. The updated registration details will be reflected automatically, and you can continue to use the digital service to make additional changes.
The current process for EX26a, EX26c and EX26d forms remains unchanged. Establishments will be able to manage forms EX26a, EX26c and EX26d in the Export Service in 2022, but should continue to submit these forms through the existing process.
What you need to do
To sign up to the service, establishment CEOs or occupiers need to follow the steps outlined on the Export Service website.
If you need help accessing Export Service, please contact the Exports Service Desk on 1800 571 125 or email during 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Please note that the Export Service Desk won't be operating from 24 December 2021 until 4 January 2022.
More information
- The video outlining the available features on Export Service can be found at
- This work is part of the Australian Government’s Agricultural Trade Reform program. You can read more about this on our website.
Further information
Contact if you have any queries.
The information provided in this advice is current at the time of writing and is intended for use as guidance only and should not be taken as definitive or exhaustive. The Commonwealth endeavours to keep information current and accurate, however, it may be subject to change without notice. Exporters are encouraged to verify these details with their importers prior to undertaking production/exports. The Commonwealth will not accept liability for any loss resulting from reliance on information contained in this notice.