Biosecurity is a shared responsibility. We all have a part to play to protect Australia’s economy, environment, industries and communities from biosecurity threats.
Our actions can create or mitigate risks. From travelling and ordering goods from overseas, to identifying and reporting exotic pests and diseases within Australia, this all impacts our biosecurity system.
Biosecurity protects our home and our way of life.
Explore public education resources
Australian biosecurity webinar series
Explore biosecurity presentations from keynote speakers.
Detect and Protect podcast
Hear interviews with experts on how our biosecurity system works and topics of interest.
Australian Biosecurity Awards
Play a role in recognising those who help uphold Australia’s biosecurity integrity.
Junior Biosecurity Officer program
Biosecurity is how we protect our plants, animals, food and nature.
Visual resources
Watch our videos to find out more about how biosecurity in Australia works.
Foot-and-mouth disease campaign
A Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) communications campaign was undertaken to increase awareness among the Australian community and international travellers about the risks of FMD and what they need to do to be compliant with Australia’s biosecurity requirements. This was launched on 16 October 2022 and finished on 31 January 2023.
Please see the Accountable Authority (Chief Executive) Certification for Government Advertising campaign to demonstrate the that the campaign complied with the Interim Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns June 2022 (Guidelines).