18 October 2018
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is of relevance to importers, manufacturers, customs brokers, agents and associated biosecurity industry participants involved in the importation of new oversize tyres from Japan.
What has changed?
As a result of recent detections of exotic mosquitos in consignments of new oversize tyres brought into Australian territory from Japan, immediate measures are being implemented to ensure the risk is effectively managed.
Import conditions for new oversize tyres from Japan have been revised to reflect the following requirements.
From 22 October 2018, all consignments of new oversize tyres brought into Australian territory from Japan will require offshore treatment:
- All consignments must be accompanied with a valid treatment certificate verifying that the goods have been treated with methyl bromide fumigation with at least 48 g/m3 for 24 hours at 21 degrees or above, and the treatment has been carried out within 7 days of loading, or
- Placement of an S-methoprene chemical briquette (see Figure 1) inside each tyre during loading into the container. The rate of application is 1 briquette per tyre (each briquette must have an active constituent of at least 18 g/kg (S)-methoprene (dry weight basis) and be slow release (last at least 90 days). It is the responsibility of the importer to ensure treatment has been applied prior to export and supporting evidence provided to the department to confirm this has been conducted.
- Treatment with S-methoprene will manage the potential biosecurity risk whilst oversize tyres are in transit to Australia and will enable consignments to be moved to Class 1.1 Approved arrangement (AA) sites for unpack and inspection on arrival. This unpack and inspection must be conducted as soon as possible after arrival at the 1.1 AA site. The use of the S-methoprene treatment will be verified by a biosecurity officer at the time of unpack and inspection on arrival.
Tyres that have been shipped prior to 22 October 2018 and arriving without an S-methoprene briquette, or tyres that are shipped on or after 22 October 2018 and arriving without an S-methoprene briquette or treated with methyl bromide fumigation and not accompanied with valid documentary evidence, or have been treated but are not accompanied with suitable documentary evidence, will be subject to specific requirements as outlined in revised import conditions for new oversize tyres.
All consignments of new oversize tyres will be subject to unpack and inspection on arrival as per existing requirements. Further information can be obtained by contacting Cargo and Mail.