Australia’s world class biosecurity system is vital to protecting our agricultural industries and our environment.
Biosecurity is a shared responsibility, including contributing to the cost to safeguard Australia from potentially devastating pests and diseases.
From 1 July 2024, we’re further strengthening our biosecurity system with the Biosecurity Protection Levy. The levy will help share the costs of delivering our biosecurity system between domestic producers and is intended to collect around $50 million each year.
This is to keep pace with today’s needs and prepares us for the threats of tomorrow.
If you’re an agriculture, fishery or forestry producer, we want to hear from you. We’re consulting on the design of the Biosecurity Protection Levy and want to know how you think the levy system should work and how levies should be collected. Our consultation on the levy is now open. Use this link to provide your feedback by 4pm 13 October 2023.
If you want to find out more before providing feedback, join one of our webinars: