All Australian, state and territory Agriculture Ministers have endorsed Australia’s first National Statement on Animal Welfare.
Acknowledging the role of animal welfare practices and standards informed by science and evidence, the nationally agreed statement sets a vision that describes the aspiration for the future of Australia’s animal welfare system.
Animal welfare regulation within Australia is generally as state and territory responsibility. However, there is a collaborative approach between the tiers of government that recognises the importance of animal welfare to Australians and Australia’s trading partners.
The national statement reflects a joint commitment by all governments to issues of national significance, and identifies priority areas of opportunity for animal welfare across Australia, through leadership and coordination, standards and implementation, reporting and compliance, research and development, education and communication, and international engagement.
Four context-setting statements identify some important considerations when addressing the priority areas for opportunity for Australia’s animal welfare system. These statements acknowledge the interconnectedness of animal welfare with other national priorities and issues of significance, such as climate change and biosecurity, and the importance of partnering with First Nations people to incorporate their teachings and perspectives on protecting and caring for all animals.
This national statement is an important first step in renewing the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS), which will present a national framework for Australia’s system and all animals, while recognising the need for flexibility across jurisdictions and animal groups.
The national statement has been informed by broad consultation with stakeholders across the animal welfare system, including animal industries, animal handlers, non-government representative organisations, veterinarians, research bodies, First Nations organisations and the government.
The renewed AAWS will build on the successes of the previous strategy, which expired in 2014, with updates reflecting contemporary science and evidence to showcase the nation’s strong welfare credentials.
The national statement has been published alongside a series of case studies, acknowledging the good work already underway in promoting strong animal welfare outcomes across a broad range of animal species and industries.

Read more on the renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy.