Key animal health events in Australia in 2021 and 2022
Detection of Japanese encephalitis in Australia
In February and March 2022, Japanese encephalitis (JE) was detected and confirmed in piggeries in Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia. On 30 March 2022, a rare case of JE in one alpaca was confirmed in the Adelaide Plains local government area. Alpaca’s, like horses, are a dead-end host. Further information is available at: Japanese encephalitis | National pest & disease outbreaks
Detection of Ehrlichia canis in a dog in Queensland
In January 2022, ehrlichiosis was confirmed in a dog in Mt Isa, Queensland. This is the first case in Queensland where the dog is reported not to have travelled outside of Queensland, meaning the disease has likely found its way into the Queensland tick population. Further information, including factsheets on canine ehrlichiosis for veterinarians and dog owners, is available at: Ehrlichiosis in dogs - DAFF (
Detection of new Hendra virus variant
In early 2021 a retrospective study identified a variant of Hendra virus. The sample used for the study was from a horse euthanised in Queensland in 2015.
In October 2021, a horse infected with Hendra virus variant was detected in the Newcastle area of NSW. The horse showed severe illness consistent with the original Hendra virus, and was euthanised. This was the southern-most detection, to date, of a horse positive for Hendra virus in NSW.
Detection of cattle strain of Johne’s disease in Western Australia
In September 2021, the cattle strain of Johne’s disease (JD) was detected in a cow in Western Australia (WA). This has led to changes to the regulatory controls for (JD) in cattle in WA. Further information is available on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s website.
Information on animal health events in Australia and overseas
Information on animal health events in Australia and internationally can be found on the below websites:
- Outbreak website. This site includes up-to-date information on emergency responses to animal and plant pest and disease incursions that affect Australia’s agriculture industries and environment
- WOAH World Animal Health Information Systems (WAHIS). This site provides up-to-date information on animal health events reported by members.
- WOAH information on SARS-CoV-2 events in animals. Members have been keeping the WOAH updated on any investigations or outcomes of investigations in animals.
- Wildlife Health Australia. This page provides information about ongoing diseases events in wildlife in Australia.