This page links to a questionnaire that outlines the information that needs to be included with a permit application to import the following products, if they include microalgae:
- stockfeed
- stockfeed supplements
- bulk aquaculture feed.
This questionnaire may also be required for other animal foods where there is potential for diversion of products for these uses or where there is a high likelihood of contamination of the product with exotic disease agents and the product is intended for use in potentially susceptible animals.
It is important to assess the biosecurity risks associated with all aspects of the production process. This includes the starter culture, growth, production, processing, storage and transport of the microalgae and the production, processing, storage and transport of the final product. Each import application containing microalgae will be examined on a case by case basis.
The microalgae questionnaire is to be completed by the manufacturers and importer and submitted with all applications for these products. This questionnaire requires manufacturer of the microalgae to provide information relating to the composition, manufacturing and packaging of the product, as well as any quality control measures in place at the manufacturing facility.
Further information on stock feed and aquaculture can be found on the department’s animal feed including pet food, stockfeed, aquaculture feed webpage.
The questionnaire does give the option for manufacturers to attach additional documents containing tables or flow charts. If additional documents are provided they must:
- be from the manufacturer
- specifying the product name(s)
- be on the manufacturer’s letterhead (including company address and country)
- be signed by a senior company employee from the site of manufacture whose name, title and contact details also appear
- be dated within the last 6 months, free from erasures and uncertified alterations (all alterations must be initialled by the senior company employee responsible for signing the declaration)
- be written in English.
Where the manufacturer does not wish to disclose full details to importers, the importer is still able to lodge an application. All information made available to the department remains strictly commercial-in-confidence and is protected against unauthorised disclosure by the department to any other party under Australian Federal Law. With this in mind, manufacturers may prefer to provide information directly to the department.