Nymph description 11 of 15

Nymph Description: The colour is variable with grey to fawn to browns dominating. The body is stocky rather than elongate and mottled with rough variable darker patterns, but more of a 'salt and pepper' general coloration than defined shapes. The antennae are very short, only about as long as the height of the eye, and darker than the body, sometimes even black in early instars. The rear leg femur is usually banded with the 'knee' light coloured. The tip of the abdomen sometimes with a pointed slightly upturned look in profile.
Confusion with Australian plague locust and other locusts: General size and shape only, though usually less elongate and fatter than other locust species (compare photos with Australian plague locust nymph).
Confusion with Urnisa: Both are broad and generally mottled but only Peakesia has the very short dark antennae.Unique features: The general 'salt and pepper' mottled body of no particular strong colour, together with very short dark antennae, banded rear femur and stocky squat body.
Further information on this species: Description of adult