Adult description 6 of 15
Size: Females 25 to 35 mm, males 20 to 30 mm
Adult Description: Colour is usually brown but can have green patches. In profile the head is not higher than the straight line of the thorax. The eye appears to be very elongate because of a distinctive triangular mark pointing down from it in profile. From the side, the folded fore wing has strong dark patches in the front half and a subtle darker smudge at the tip. The hind wings are lightly coloured from very pale yellow to smoky yellow with a dark tip and a dark smudge/band along the centre. The thorax has a pale 'X' mark on top. Shanks of the hind legs usually straw coloured. Throat peg absent.
Confusion with Australian plague locust: From above the thorax has a very similar light 'X' mark on a similar shaped and coloured body (compare photos with Australian plague locust adult).
Unique features: The combination of the dark triangle below the eyes and the two dark patches on a pale yellow hind wing. Rear tibia not red.
Further information on this species: Description of nymph