Adult description 12 of 15

Size: Females 25 to 35-45 mm, males 20 to 25 mm long.
Adult Description: This species is widespread in the inland where it is mostly found in red sandy country. Colour is brown to red or orange with fine mottling. In profile the thorax is saddle-shaped and the head is raised above the level of the thorax. The eyes are large and bulging, in profile meeting the front of the head. The wing covers have bolder patterns on the side forward half and from above have a yellowy stripe that spilts where it touches the thorax. Hind wings are generally clear, sometimes with a faint grey-yellow tinge, darker at the tip. The hind leg femur has two dark bands across it and is yellow to orange on the inside. The tibia is purple to red and the 'knees' almost black. No throat peg.
Confusion with Australian plague locust: A similar shape and size but the orange-red colours an obvious difference. Compare photos with Australian plague locust adult.
Confusion with Peakesia: Both have salt and pepper mottling and brightly coloured tibia. Urnisa does not have a throat peg, has a raised head and the wings extend beyond the body.Unique features: Orange to red body without a throat peg, wings longer than the body and a large raised head with bulging eyes. Only found in red sandy country.
Further information on this species: Description of nymph