This criterion aims to provide insights into whether Australia’s native forests and commercial plantations used to produce wood and non-wood products are managed in a way that maintains their capacity to continue to produce those products in the long term.
Use the links below to access data and information reported for the five indicators of Criterion 2:
Indicator 2.1a Native forest available for wood production, area harvested, and growing stock of merchantable and non-merchantable tree species (2018) - planned to be updated in late 2024.
Indicator 2.1b Age class and growing stock of plantations (2024) - updated July 2024.
Indicator 2.1c Annual removal of wood products compared to the volume determined to be sustainable for native forests and future yields for plantations (2018) - planned to be updated in late 2024.
Indicator 2.1d Annual removal of non-wood forest products compared to the level determined to be sustainable (2018) - planned to be updated in 2025.
Indicator 2.1e The area of native forest harvested and the proportion of that effectively regenerated, and the area of plantation harvested and the proportion of that effectively re-established (2018) - planned to be updated in late 2024.