Terms and definitions
A list of common terms and definitions used in the Biosecurity Portal:
Biosecurity Portal Terms and Definitions (PDF 929 KB)
Biosecurity Portal Terms and Definitions (DOCX 30 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Quick tips
- The Portal works best using Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. Other browsers are not supported!
- Make sure you have pop-ups and cookies enabled in your browser.
- If you are having trouble logging into the Portal, clear your cache and try again.
- The digital identity (myGovID) channel is not working? You can use the Other User channel to lodge your request for import inspection.
- If you have more than one branch id, make sure you are logged in under the right organisation.
- You cannot modify an import inspection booking via the Other User channel, you can only cancel and re-lodge the request.
- When lodging an import inspection via the Portal, please do not attempt to then lodge, make modifications to, or cancel, the same inspection via the email channel.
- The Portal reports the real-time status of an inspection and/or booking so you can track the progress of your portal request.
- You can update your business email address in the Portal under My Profile – you cannot update via the Portal the email you used to register with myGovID.
- If you select ‘Anytime’ for your import booking request, this will enable the next available inspector to be booked for your goods! If nominating AM or PM, the next available booking in that time slot will be given to you. This could, however, be a later date than if you had selected Anytime.
Frequently Asked Questions
From 1 February 2023 the Biosecurity Portal will be the only way for clients to book cargo import inspections with the department. There are some import inspections that are not yet able to be booked via the Portal and are exempt. Please refer to Frequently Asked Question “Who cannot use the Portal?” If you are not covered by a listed exemption, it is expected that you register and use the Portal for your cargo import inspections.
For information, click on the link:
Note: When booking inspections via the Portal, please do not attempt to then make modifications to, or cancel the inspection booking via the email channel. Doing so can cause delays to your booking request.
For information, click on the link:
For information, click on the link:
For information, click on the link:
DTA recommends you use your personal email address for your Digital Identity account.
Your personal Digital Identity is linked to you and not the business. Once the business is linked in RAM and connected to the Portal, you will be able to nominate a business email address (under My Profile) for all correspondence and notifications from the Department.
Refer to the following quick reference guide for more information on completing My Profile on the Portal - How do I complete my personal and / or business profile? (agriculture.gov.au)
Refer to the following quick reference guide - How to fix common Biosecurity Portal access issues?
Please delete the myGovID app from your phone and then reinstall a clean copy downloaded from the Google Play store (Android) or App Store (iPhone).
If that does not work, please try updating to the latest software on your mobile device. Your mobile device will shut down/restart once it is up to date.
If you continue to get this error, please contact the myGovID support line on 1300 287 539. Select option 2 for myGovID enquiries or visit myGovID troubleshooting https://www.mygovid.gov.au/help-contact-us - general-support
Note: myGovID is a whole of government service managed by the Australian Taxation Office. The department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry cannot provide technical support and will only redirect you to the myGovID web site.
The Digital Certificate used by the Integrated Cargo System (ICS) is not a whole-of-government system. This means that it is not available to use outside of ICS and cannot be used for the Portal.
Digital Identity (used by the department) is a whole-of-government approach to digital security that is managed by DTA. As the platform is adopted more widely, other departmental services will fold in to use Digital Identity.
Yes, you can register more than one organisation under the one ABN. Refer to the following:
- Quick reference guide on completing My Organisation on the Portal - How do I complete my personal and / or business profile? (agriculture.gov.au)
- Information on registering to use the Portal -
Import brokers are registered and licensed by the Australian Border Force. If you do not know your branch ID, you will need to contact the ABF.
Importers do not have a Branch ID, as such, please enter either your ABN or the name of the business.
Are you logging in via the myGovID channel? My Organisation is only available via the myGovID channel and not the Other User channel.
Are you an Authorised Administrator for the Portal? Only Authorised Administrators have access to My Organisation. The role of Authorised Administrator for the Portal is set-up in RAM.
Check if another Authorised Administrator has already set up the organisation by clicking on the Organisational Profile to view all organisations associated with the ABN.
Refer to the following quick reference guide for more information on completing My Organisation on the Portal - How do I complete my personal and / or business profile? (agriculture.gov.au)
The Approved Arrangement option will only be visible if the business is registered as an Approved Arrangement with the department. Please contact the Portal Support Team at biosecuritypotal@aff.gov.au or on 1800 900 090.
If you are an Authorised Arrangement, the address details are linked to the Department’s import system. If they are incorrect please contact the Portal Support Team at biosecuritypotal@aff.gov.au or on 1800 900 090.
Please email the Portal Support Team at biosecurityportal@aff.gov.au with;
- the organisation name and ABN,
- the AA number,
- the current address as displayed in the Portal, and the
- correct address.
A Broker and/or an Importer - you enter address details when first completing My Organisation details in the Portal. You can update these at any time via My Organisation. Refer to the following quick reference guide for more information on User Access in the Portal - How do I complete my personal and / or business profile? (agriculture.gov.au)
If this is the first time you have accessed the Portal, your Portal Administrator (organisation’s principal Authority or authorised administrator) will need to authorise you to act on behalf of the business in the Portal. Please contact your Portal Administrator.
Refer to the following quick reference guide for more information on User Access in the Portal - How do I complete my personal and / or business profile? (agriculture.gov.au)
Request for inspection
Planned and Unplanned service disruptions to the Portal are advised via an Import Industry Advice Notice (IIAN) – refer to the department’s website for information Import industry advice notices - DAFF (agriculture.gov.au)
To lodge an urgent inspection request, please user the Other User channel.
Further information and help with myGovID can be found at https://www.mygovid.gov.au/help-contact-us
This pop up is for individuals with more than one ABN associated in RAM. If you have more than one ABN, please select the ABN you are representing for the current session.
The Portal authenticates a user twice, once upon logging into the Portal and before returning organisational data. This authentication is important to protect your security. We are, however, looking to streamline this process - in the interim, please ensure you select the same organisation each time you are asked.
If you only have one ABN linked in RAM, this pop-up will appear and disappear automatically. You do not need to action anything.
Below are common reasons why you may not be able to see an Entry ID in my myGovID channel:
- There are no active import directions against the Entry ID
- You are logged in under the wrong organisation. Check the organisation displayed on the top right-hand side of the screen. If this is not the correct organisation, select the down arrow and ‘Select Organisation’. Select the correct organisation from the list. Cannot see the correct organisation? Have an Authorised Administrator create the organisation in the Portal. Refer to the following quick reference guide for more information on completing My Organisation on the Portal - How do I complete my personal and / or business profile? (agriculture.gov.au)
- The status of the Entry ID may prohibit lodging an inspection request. For example, the status of the Entry ID maybe “Inactive” or “Major amendment in progress”.
You will be unable to lodge a request for inspection for any direction against an Entry Number if there are other in-progress directions which need to be completed first. For example, if there is any document assessment or ICS amendment required direction/s against that Entry Number.
Likewise, you will be unable to lodge a request for inspection against a specific direction if there are any in-progress directions which need to be completed first. For example, fumigation or pending test results directions.
Once these in-progress directions have been completed, try lodging a request for inspection against the Entry Number again.
Do you have an Entry Number and the Biosecurity Direction?
If you are logged in via the myGovID channel, you can view directions against an Entry Number by selecting the “View import directions” on the home page.
Are you in an Approved Arrangement (AA)? Is the AA listed as the inspection location against the Biosecurity Direction? If you are unsure, please contact your broker and ask them to check/change the location on the Biosecurity Direction to that of your Approved Arrangement.
If you are an Authorised Arrangement, you will be unable to see IFIP directions to request an inspection.
This is due to how IFIP directions are set up in the department’s import system. IFIP directions have a general location which can be changed to provide the actual inspection location. Only the Importer and/or Import Broker, however, are able to see these entries.
You are able to see IFIP entries and lodge inspection requests if you create an Importer Profile. To do this follow the steps below:
1. On the top right of the screen where your business name is, click that and then click ‘Select Organisation’ 2. When there click ‘Add Organisation’ 3. Add all the Importer Details. 4. For the ‘Organisation Type’ section select ‘Importer’
With that new organisation you will be able to see any entries with you as the importer.
You will be unable to lodge a request for inspection for a direction against an Entry Number if there are other in-progress directions which need to be completed first. For example, if there is any document assessment or ICS amendment required direction/s against that Entry Number.
Likewise, you will be unable to lodge a request for inspection against a specific direction if there are any in-progress directions which need to be completed first. For example, fumigation or pending test results directions.
Once these in-progress directions have been completed, try lodging a request for inspection against the Entry Number and/or Direction again.
Is the inspection location blank? If yes, then:
- the location needs to be added before selecting the direction.
- refer to the following quick reference guide/s How do I lodge an import inspection request via the myGovID digital identity method? (agriculture.gov.au) or How do I lodge an import inspection request via the Other User email and password method?
(agriculture.gov.au) for more information.
If the inspection location is XXXX, then:
- please note that the Biosecurity Portal is designed to provide a secure and confidential operating environment for all users. As such, if you are signed in as a representative of an Approved Arrangement, the inspection location listed against directions issued to other parties in the Biosecurity Direction will be hidden and ‘XXXX’ to retain privacy. Please contact your Broker if you have any further questions.
Only the location for Imported Food or Cargo Compliance Verification inspections can be updated via the Portal.
You can add a location by selecting the ‘add location’ function within the portal interface. Please refer to the following quick reference guides: How do I lodge an import inspection request via the myGovID digital identity method? (agriculture.gov.au) or How do I lodge an import inspection request via the Other User email and password method? (agriculture.gov.au) for more information.
For other inspections, If you are the broker, the location can be updated through COLS.
If you are the AA or the Importer, please contact your broker to update the location.
NOTE: the ‘add location’ function will not update the location on the direction so that other parties can book through the Portal.
If you select AM or PM you are restricting officer availability to the AM or PM slot only, the department may have earlier availability but unable to allocate due to the selection. To maximise inspection availability, it is recommended to select NEXT AVAILABLE in the preferred inspection period field.
Please refer to the following quick reference guide - How do I select the correct inspection type for my inspection request? (agriculture.gov.au)
Visibility of inspection requests lodged by other parties is only available via the myGovID channel.
In addition, you will only be able to see requests and bookings made by Users within the profile you are working within.
If you have multiple profiles, you will not have visibility across all profiles, only the one used for the lodgement.
Dual lodgements (i.e., single RFI with both a food and biosecurity direction) can only be made if the Entry already has the same location for both the biosecurity as well as the food direction. Biosecurity is always conducted first, imported food is conducted after the Biosecurity inspection. We recommend that you book two requests. If the dual entry is to be conducted at the same location and you lodge as one request the system will still split the two inspections.
If you request overtime as a booking preference, overtime will be serviced depending on inspecting officer availability. If overtime cannot be serviced, the request may be cancelled and a new request made, requesting NEXT AVAILABLE, AM OR PM inspection.
To Meet bookings are used when clients need to know the exact time of a booking in advance so they can coordinate other dependencies for the booking. E.g., certain 3rd parties may need to attend the booking at the same time i.e., labour hire.
A multiday booking is where you tell us if this inspection request needs to be conducted over multiple days (or times), not as a single inspection. Answer yes to the multi-day question on the Consignment Information Tab if you know that the containers are coming off on different dates (and/or times) and cannot all be inspected at the same time. When you select, yes, you'll get an additional text box to tell us when the containers are coming off in order for the department to create the booking/s accordingly.
Further information can be found at https://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity-trade/import/online-services… - why-cant-i-see-my-entry-id-in-the-portal - Webinar Recordings - Biosecurity Portal Webinar Series – Session Two RFI Lodgement (Generic Process).
Quick reference guides
Accessing the Biosecurity Portal
How to fix common Biosecurity Portal access issues? (PDF 326 KB)
How to fix common Biosecurity Portal access issues? (DOCX 1,497 KB)
How do I login to the Biosecurity Portal as an Other User? (PDF 249 KB)
How do I login to the Biosecurity Portal as an Other User? (DOCX 286 KB)
How do I login to the Biosecurity Portal with myGovID? (PDF 961 KB)
An accessible version of this document is pending, in the interim please email biosecurityportal@aff.gov.au for assistance
How do I complete my personal and business profile? (PDF 441 KB)
How do I complete my personal and business profile? (DOCX 426 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Inspection services
How do I lodge an inspection request logging in with myGovID? (PDF 1.3 MB)
How do I lodge an inspection request logging in with myGovID? (DOCX 1.2 MB)
How do I lodge an import inspection request via the Other User email and password method? (PDF 1.5 MB)
An accessible version of this document is pending, in the interim please email biosecurityportal@aff.gov.au for assistance
How do I manage my inspection requests and bookings? (PDF 370 KB)
How do I manage my inspection requests and bookings? (DOCX 390 KB)
How do I select the correct Inspection Type for my inspection? (PDF 484 KB)
How do I select the correct Inspection Type for my inspection? (DOCX 464 KB)
How do I archive my import requests and bookings? (PDF 265 KB)
How do I archive my import requests and bookings? (DOCX 226 KB)
How do I view and print an AIMS Direction? (PDF 375 KB)
How do I view and print an AIMS Direction? (DOCX 421 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Lodgement of Class 14.4 Outcomes
How do I submit a new lodgement? (PDF 1.1 MB)
How do I check the status of my lodgement? (PDF 879 KB)
How do I view my historical lodgements? (PDF 959 KB)
Accessible versions of these documents are pending, in the interim please email biosecurityportal@aff.gov.au for assistance.
Approved Arrangement Management Product (AAMP)
AAMP User Guide - AAMP Overview (PDF 1.0 MB)
AAMP User Guide - New Users - How to Login to AAMP (PDF 684 KB)
AAMP User Guide - Existing Users - How to Login to AAMP (PDF 622 KB)
AAMP User Guide - How to Add, Update and Remove a Contact for My AA (PDF 483 KB)
Accessible versions of these documents are pending, in the interim please email biosecurityportal@aff.gov.au for assistance.
Webinar recordings
Biosecurity Portal Webinar Series – Session One Profile Completion
We'll be covering three topics today, one being setting up in RAM and adding users, profile completion in the portal and then managing users in the portal. So, jumping on to our first topic, which is setting up in RAM and adding users.
So, in our example here, we've got Joe Bloggs who's the principal authority for an organisation who has already created their myGovID and has linked their myGovID in RAM to their business. In this example you see Joe Bloggs is linked to two organisations as the principal authority one being XYZ PTY limited and ABC PTY Limited.
If you were to add another business in RAM you'd go to click add another business. And that's how you go about adding another business, but we'll be talking more specifically about adding users and what you do to add a specific user and the and the different authorizations you can give users. Now to add a user to a given organisation. If you're linked to more than one organisation, you'll need to first select the organisation to which you need to add a user. So, let's say you select XYZ PTY Limited RAM will display existing authorised users for that particular organisation.
In this situation, it's just Joe Bloggs who's the principal authority. To begin adding a new user you click on Add New User, and that will take you to a page where you can select the type of representative that you want to add.
There are two options. Basic user and a standard user for the biosecurity portal. It's important that the user that you're adding is a standard user, meaning that they have standard user as the identity strength in myGovID where they've registered.
You select standard user as the option and you go to the next screen, you'll have an option to include their given name, family name and email address. Again, it's important to make sure that the names that you're entering here are exactly the same as the user registration in their myGovID digital identity, this includes the case and the spelling. Make sure, you make no mistakes with the case or the spelling of the names and the email addresses that you enter here. If not, this process doesn't go forward smoothly.
So, once you've entered the given name, family name and email address, go to the next screen where you have authorization details in RAM, you'll have the ability to select whether they're an authorization administrator, the machine credential administrator, their start and dates. The authorization administrator, selecting yes here makes the person that you're adding an authorised administrator for your business in RAM. Now these administrators are people that can actually do the job on behalf of a principal authority. So, if you'd like to make a person an authorised administrator, that person would then be able to administer staff or add other users by linking them to this business in RAM. That's the authorization that you're giving them by answering yes to that question.
Machine credential Administrator is not very relevant in our context. You can just simply select yes or no. It doesn't make a difference to the portal.
If you do not want an end date, you can simply say no end date if you want. If you know that the person's going to be employed by your business only for a specific duration, you can input an end date and then go forward.
Now we'd like to make a differentiation, the authorised administrator here is the authorised administrator for the RAM and not for the portal. If you want a person to be an authorised administrator in RAM but not an authorised administrator in the portal you'd still select yes here. But you can have a person who is not an authorised administrator here, but an authorised administrator for the portal. And I'll show you how we do that. The agency access is where you actually select the authorization permissions for the person you've selected within the portal. Now, within the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry you'll see that as an option you have three levels of access full, customer and none. Now, the default selected option is none and then there's full and custom. You'll need to toggle between these two options to provide them the right authorization within the portal. Selecting custom makes that person that you're adding a standard user within the portal, irrespective of whether they're an authorised administrator or not for RAM purposes, as we saw on the previous screen and then selecting full here makes that person an administrator from the portal's perspective.
The final screen shows you a summary of the information that you've entered. You accept the declaration and then submit, once you submit, the person that you're trying to add to your organisation or link to your organisation would get an email, and the process is quite straightforward from there. They'll need to accept the invite that you've sent them. And once they've done that, they'll then have access to the portal. And they'll be able to use their myGovID to log into the portal, using their credentials as whether they're an authorised administrator or a standard user based on whether you've selected customer or full access for the Department of Agriculture.
So that was setting up in RAM and adding a user in RAM. We'll move on to the second topic, which is completing profile information on the portal.
Now if the person that is logging into the portal is logging in for the first time, whether they're a standard user or an authorised administrator for the portal, the portal will first ask you to complete your profile information and that's in the my profile section. You'll be redirected to the section automatically. Before completing the section you'll not be able to access any other services in the portal. So, complete the my profile section with the basic information that is requested here.
I'd like to point your attention to the business email address field, which is right here. That field is initially left blank. Now, that is the email address that the portal will use for all biosecurity portal notifications that will be sent to you. All the email notifications. So, if you want to elect a different email address to your my gov ID registered email address, this is your option. You can also have this as a common inbox that is accessible by the larger organisation.
The remaining fields are phone, which is the mandatory field, the mobile phone, physical address fields and postal address fields. You can simply select that the postal address is the same as physical address, and not have to renter the details again. Once you've updated that, your profile details will be completed and you'll move on to the next section, which is the organisation profile.
Now this section is only for authorised administrators. So, if you are an authorised administrator from the portal's perspective, in other words, you've been given full rights to the Department of Agriculture in RAM,and you are the first authorised administrator that is logging into the portal. Then you'll also be required to complete the organisation profile information. Now, this is the section where you tell us what kind of organisation you are in the portal, so first of all, fill in the other details and in the organisation type, you'll have three choices to make, importer, import brokerage and approved arrangement. Now, in some instances you might not see approved arrangement as an option in the dropdown, and that is because your organisation is probably not registered as an approved arrangement with the department. So, if your organisation is registered as an approved arrangement with the department, then you in all probability, will see this approved arrangement option that you can select from to create a profile for your organisation in the portal as an approved arrangement. Now, if you do not see it, please give us a call and we'll be able to help you add the approved arrangement profile that you require in the portal. So once you select the organisation type, complete the other mandatory information. I'd also like to point out that inspection location details. This section only appears if the selected organisation type is approved arrangement. And certain sections here become mandatory if you are an approved arrangement. If the selected organisation type is importer or import brokerage, that section will not be or the rather the inspection location details section is not mandatory. Now, when you've selected the primary inspection location contact, the secondary inspection location contact, opening hours for the approved arrangement profile that you're adding, that also gets automatically used while completing your RFI in several sections. So, it limits the amount of manual data entry that you need to do by automatically completing that information from your profile. If it's not completed while lodging your request for inspections, you need to manually enter them each time. Of course, some of those fields are mandatory, and you'll have to have them in the organisation profile.
So, once you've done that you are brought back the organisation profile page where you can see a list of profiles that you've created for that ABN or for that organisation. In this example, you see that that same ABN has three different profiles. One is an approved arrangement; one is an import brokerage, and one is an importer. This is an unlikely example, but just here to show you that that is possible.
When a second authorised administrator for your organisation logs in, they will not need to complete another profile for the organisation. They're automatically linked to the profile that the previous authorised administrator created for your organisation. But any authorised administrator can add another profile and link other users to the profile that gets automatically done for all authorised administrators.
Managing users in the portal. We spoke of two different kinds of users in the portal, one being an authorised administrator and another a standard user. When authorised administrators log into the portal for the first time, they automatically get linked to the organisation profiles that have been created by previous authorised administrators who created those profiles in the portal. But when a standard user logs into the portal with their digital identity, their access initially goes pending approval with the authorised administrators. All pending accesses are seen within that organisation profile. So, when you click into the organisation profile in the portal as an authorised administrator and scroll all the way to the bottom of that page, you'll see a section that talks about organisation users and awaiting approvals.
So right at the awaiting approval section, you'll see any standard users that have tried to access the port with their access pending with you. When you click on that link right at the right-hand side of this person, you'll see another pop-up window that opens up with the organisation that they're trying to log into or gain access to. And the authorised administrator? Yes, No flag automatically coming in through RAM. By the way, how you have set it up in RAM and then you can approve them or disapprove them by using the dropdown list. Once a standard user has been approved by any one of the authorised administrators Then they'll have full access to the portal to request inspections or do anything else that the portal allows you to do. All approved users will appear in the organisation users’ section, and that way you have a list of all the people that have actually access to the profile that you've created in the portal.
You can also revoke the access that a person has to the portal by selecting the arrow and then electing to remove their access, you can revoke their access, and if any person's access has been revoked, you can add them back using the add user functionality.
And that brings us to the end of the presentation.
Biosecurity Portal Webinar Series – Session Two RFI Lodgement (Generic Process)
So, we're going to be walking through the RFI lodgment process as part of the session. Now, we have specific sessions planned later to delve into details of certain scenarios and certain questions. But today's session will be a walkthrough of the generic process. End to end on how to lodge a request for inspection using the portal.
So, we're also going to be covering both methods as we walk through today's presentation. Both methods of logging in, I mean, using both the digital identity as well as the other users, which includes your user ID and email address and password. So, jumping straight into it.
When we log into the portal, I've displayed left hand side and right-hand side on the screen. The first screen on the left-hand side is for myGovID and on the right-hand side you see the other user method of logging in. After you've logged in and you're ready to lodge an inspection request, on the first screen you will see as a myGovID user, a list of entry IDs that belong to you. You'll need to select from the list of entry IDS. You'll also be able to search for an entry ID using the filter by entry ID option. That's a search option, you can start keying in the entry and then that will bring up the entry that you're looking for. Now, in case you cannot find your entry ID that you're looking for, a few basic checks that you can do.
Check that the organization's ABN or the organisation profile that you're logged into is the right profile, meaning the way the portal is designed, if you're logged in as an import broker, you basically see entry IDs that belong to you as the broker, where the ABN of the brokerage matches what we have in our records. The same thing applies to importers as well. If you're logged in as an importer, the system is basically fetching entries that are recorded against your ABN made by the importer in our system for an approved arrangement. If you've logged into a specific approved arrangement, make sure that you've selected the right Approved arrangement profile because the match occurs against the approved arrangement number, which also needs to be the inspection location against the direction that you're seeking to request an inspection against.
So that will be the first check for you to make sure that you're logged into the right profile if you are unable to find the entry. Also, make sure that the entry that you're going to retrieve is an active entry, which meaning it's not closed or already released, in the system. And also, the third check being if that entry has any active directions requiring an inspection. If there is no active direction that requires an inspection, the entry will not show up in the portal.
Now, if you've done these checks and you're still not able to find your entry that you're trying to request an inspection against, give us a call and we'll be able to help you with that.
With the other user method, you'll not see a list of entries. You'll see a field where you can enter your entry id, so key in your entry number and then click Next. The system does validate the entry number that you've keyed in, and if it is the correct entry number, it'll let you progress to the next screen. Upon moving onto the next screen, that's where you select directions, so myGovID users will see a list of directions that you can select from, and the other users will need to key in or enter the direction details as it appears in the copy of the direction that you've received. As you start typing the direction name, a list of matching directions will appear from where you can select the right direction that you need. You can select more than one direction in both cases, as long as the directions have the same inspection location.
Now, in some scenarios, you'll notice as you see on this on the myGovID screen here, you'll need to add a location against a direction in order to be able to select it. If the location is missing that's when the link for adding a location appears. You'll also be able to select directions where the status of the direction is not booked, meaning if it's already requested but not yet booked, those directions cannot be requested again. Potentially, those directions were requested by other people in that chain. Yeah. Now, when it comes to adding a location, let's look at the next screen. When you click that add location hyperlink, a new window opens up where you can begin adding an inspection location. So, start typing an address. This is an auto complete function, when you start typing an address, the system displays a list of matching addresses you can select from. And if the address cannot be found as displayed here, you can type an address manually. So, you can select that link where it says address, not found, type an address manually. Select that link that will activate the address line 123, the suburb state and postcode.
You can manually type in the address if it's not found. And don't forget to answer the last question, which is also a mandatory question, and that question is about whether that address is a private residence or an unmanned storage facility. Now this is important for us to know, because if it's an unmanned facility or a private address, the department would be sending two offices instead of one to that location.
Coming back for the other users method, adding a missing location is split into two screens. So, the 1st thing you need to do is select the directions that you need to include as part of your request. And then on the next screen, you'll see an inspection location tab, and that's where you tell us if the inspection location is the same as that stated on your biosecurity direction. Now for food inspections we request that you always select no, which will then bring up the address addition fields that you saw in the previous screen. And that way you can add the the correct address for that food inspection. Now, this function again is only possible for specific directions. You can change the inspection location using this function for food directions as well as cargo compliance verification directions. All other directions which are directed to be inspected at an approved arrangement, if you're looking at changing that facility to a different approved arrangement, you'll need to first get that done through COLS the cargo online lodgment system. And once it's affected through COLS you can then come back into the portal and raise your request through the portal.
Once the inspection location, location details are completed, you'll then be able to progress to the location contacts tab. For myGovID users who are logged into their profile as an approved arrangement. The primary inspection location, contact details and the secondary inspection location contact details are automatically populated from the values that you've stored in your profile or against your profile. If you do not have an inspection location contact stored against your organisation profile, then the sections can be manually entered. The question which talks about additional information of the inspection location. You can use that box to give us any additional information that you have about that specific location. If you think it's going to be hard for the inspector to find the location, this is where you can give us those extra bits of details. Feel free to add any free text there to tell us more. This is just to provide extra information for the inspectors. Who you know who would be travelling to this location to conduct the inspection.
Once you've provided location contacts, oh before we move on. If you are a broker that is lodging the inspection request. The inspection location contact details are that of the approved arrangement where the inspection is being conducted. So, ensure that the location contact details are not yours, but the actual inspection locations contact details.
On the consignment information tab this is where you give us more information about the actual consignment for that request. The first section you'll see there is the inspection or consignment information. Now, in some scenarios, you'll see that these responses are automatically populated for you based on the selected direction or the tariff codes that are included as part of your consignment. In the event where you have a consignment or inspection information prepopulated, they'll appear at the bottom. You'll not be able to remove any prepopulated consignment details or inspection details, but please make sure that you review the automatically populated information for completeness. It might be that you have to add additional inspection information. Now, to add additional information you can simply start typing the details of that consignment.
So, if it's, for example, a tail gate inspection, once you start typing the information a set of related entries start popping up for you to select from a list of choices. In most situations it is quite simple to identify what is needed to be entered here. For example, if it's fresh flowers that you're importing, or if it's fish that you're importing, as you start typing the name of the commodity, in most situations you'll start seeing a list of applicable inspection information that comes up, and that's what you need to include as part of your request.
Coming back to the other questions in that consignment information tab, you've got Hazardous goods and fumigants where you are going to be telling us if the consignment has any Hazardous goods examples being explosives, chemicals, biological matter, sharps, firearms, fumigants and other things. The consignment type itself is to inform us of what, or, how the consignment is brought to us whether it's in a flat, rack or an open top container, six-sided container. Select all the applicable possibilities.
Bulk commodities is where you tell us if the consignment has any bulk commodities. Specifically for stock feed and fertiliser. If not simply select No.
The multiday booking request is where you tell us if this inspection request to be conducted over multiple days not a single, not a single inspection, that is. That's the question you'd answer Yes to if you know that the containers are coming off on different dates and cannot all be inspected at the same time. And when you select, yes, you'll get an additional text box to tell us what or when the containers are coming off and what dates. So that way, we can create the bookings accordingly for the given dates.
Imported food inspection question, is what you see here specifically because in this example, the request is being lodged for an imported food consignment. So, when you see this question for an imported food consignment, the duration that you enter here is the duration that you see on the food control certificate that the department has, actually advised on what the duration needs to be for that inspection. So that's the duration that you would key in into this field as well.
Now, the questions on this, on the consignment tab would depend on the directions that you've selected. And some of these questions are dynamic. So, meaning if you're requesting an inspection for fresh produce, you'll see questions that are specific to fresh produce. If you're and if the direction selected for is for a cut flower direction, for example, a machinery direction, you'll see additional questions that are specific to your consignment. You might need to answer those questions as they might be mandatory, examples being if you've chosen machinery. One of the questions that you'll be asked is the number of machinery that needs inspection. Similarly for fresh produce or cut flowers, the number of phytosanitary certificates would be another question that will pop up on the portal that you'll need to answer. And responses to these questions are used by the department to calculate the right amount of duration that needs to be allocated for your inspection booking, as well as to identify the right competency of the inspector that that needs to be sent out to conduct the inspection. So please make sure that when you're responding to these questions, you review the responses thoroughly and give it a bit of a thought before you jump to the next page.
Once you've completed the consignment information, you'll be moved to the appointment details tab. And this is where you tell us information about when the goods are going to be available for an inspection. This is the earliest time that the goods will be available for inspect, for conducting the inspection. The date that you give us here, the date and time, will be the date that the department uses as the earliest date. Meaning the booking will not be provided earlier than the date that you've given us. So, for example, today is the seventh. And you've given us 10th of March as the inspection date, or the goods availability date. Your booking will not be provided earlier than the 10th. It'll be the earliest possible date to the 10th potentially on the 10th, if not, the next possible date in the future.
Your preferred inspection time again, here's a screenshot of the goods availability time. Once you select the calendar, you can enter the detail. Sorry, enter the date, the date needs to be a future date. Note, it cannot be in the past. You can also give us the time that the goods are going to be available specifically at or after, by selecting the little clock icon at the bottom. When you enter that, when you click on that, a clock pops up and you can give us the exact time as well on that given date.
The preferred inspection period is the section where you tell us when you'd like that inspection to occur. Your preference being AM, PM, anytime or over time. Over time, is outside of our business hours or the department's business hours. Once you've completed that section, sorry, before we jump to that section, you also have some other questions on the appointment details tab, where you can tell us if the inspection is for a to meet inspection, to meet inspection is an option that you would specifically select if the officer is required to attend the booking at a specific time. Usually where specialist equipment or third parties are required for you to conduct the inspection or for the inspection to be conducted.
Perishable or urgent is also another indicator that you can add, and that's something that you would use for any perishables, including animals, air freight perishables, non-refrigerated perishables or anything that requires urgent attention, being dangerous goods or carnets or explosives.
That brings us to the summary page where you review the summary of the information you've entered, and you click the submit button. Upon clicking the submit button, you'll get a unique inspection request ID and that confirms that your submission has gone through to the department, and that inspection request that you've just lodged would be visible under the views, which we'll talk about next.
So, in the main inspections page of the portal, at the bottom here you see three views that have been included. Inspection requests is one view upcoming bookings, and then you have historical bookings. Inspection request displays a list of inspection requests that have been lodged but not yet booked by the department. Upcoming bookings are where you'll see details of all the bookings that have already been made by the department against requests that you've lodged originally. Historical bookings is the section where you'll see a view of all your cancelled and completed bookings. The status of those requests or bookings are also visible under the status column, and that appears in real time.
And we've included another section from where you can actually archive records that you no longer need. So, to archive an existing record, be it in the inspection request view or the upcoming bookings or historical bookings view. So, beside the record that you want to archive from the actions menu, select the archive option. And by doing so, you're basically just archiving that record and sending it back into its archive view. The archive view itself can be accessed by clicking the archive view link. And once inside the archive view list, you can restore a previously archived item through the same action again by simply clicking restore. Restoring an archived item takes that item back to the original view, depending on its current status at the time of being restored. So, let's say you archived a booking, which was in the status of booked, but then you restored it when the booking had been completed. That booking will then be sitting under the historical bookings view as its current status is completed and is no longer in progress.
That brings us to the end of the presentation itself. Let's open up for any questions that you might have.
Biosecurity Portal Webinar Series – Session Three RFI Lodgement (Specifics Part 1)
So, today's presentation we will focus on some specific parts of the request for inspection lodgement. We're going to be covering the following topics, selecting directions for your request and some issues pertaining to selecting directions. Specifically, you're not able to view a direction or a direction is not selectable. So, we look at some of those examples. We're going to talk about how to add a missing inspection location for the food or CCV inspection, a cargo compliance verification inspection. And we'll also talk about certain sequences when it comes to inspection bookings between food and biosecurity, as well as between biosecurity inspections.
All right, so getting started, our first topic selecting directions. So, we cover this from the perspective of both kinds of users. Users logging in through the digital identity method as well as the other users using the email address and password. On the left-hand side of the screen, you see the myGovID screenshot. By this time, you assume you've registered with your myGovID, and you've got your business linked in RAM. And then you've logged into the portal and you're ready to start requesting an inspection.
After you've selected an Entry Id, through the myGovID process you'll see a list of directions from which you can select. Now, you'll not see all directions pertaining to the entry that you've selected. The list that you'll see will be specific to the directions that you're authorised to view and those that require an inspection.
Now, you can select more than one direction at a time to lodge your inspection request as long as the directions have the same inspection location. If they have different inspection locations, just lodge them individually as separate inspection requests.
In certain instances, you will not be able to select a direction until you add a valid location for the direction. You see an example of that here, where there one of the directions has not yet been booked. But there's a link to add a direction. We'll speak about that when we talk about the second topic in more detail. But in order to select that direction, the check box for that would be disabled until you add a valid location.
Coming to the other users method, instead of viewing the list of directions, you'll see a free text field where you can enter the direction name. We assume that you'll have a copy of your direction handy as provided by the department, and the details for the direction that you're requesting would be in that direction copy. So, key in or as you start keying in the name of the direction as it appears in the direction copy. You'll see a list of automatically populating values from which you can select. In this method as well, you can select more than one direction as long as it belongs or is required to be inspected in the same location.
Now let's talk about certain instances where you're not able to find your selected or your required direction. There are a few things you can do to troubleshoot such scenarios. If you've logged in through the myGovID process, or your digital identity, please ensure that you've logged into the correct profile or you've selected the right organisation ABN when you're logging into the portal. And that's because the portal is designed to provide a view of or display only those entries and directions that are context specific to the organisation that you've logged in as. So, there's an instance where you’re potentially looking for a direction that has been directed to a particular approved arrangement. But you notice that you've logged into a different approve arrangement profile. And that could potentially be a reason you're not seeing the directions. As you changed the profile that you've logged into that direction should then become visible.
Sometimes the direction might not be selectable as you see in this example, because it's already requested by another party. If the direction is already requested or has been booked, you'll not be able to re request that inspection or the direction for another inspection. We'll also talk about certain other scenarios where you will not be able to select a particular direction because there are certain pending actions on the entry itself. So, let's go through a few of those.
Here's an example of when you cannot find your direction because you've logged into the incorrect profile. This particular entry ID in this example has three directions that require an inspection. But you see that Alpha Michael here has logged into their approved arrangement profile A0004, and the result they're seeing is that there's no data found and that's in this case it's because none of those directions, none of the three directions for this Enty ID have been directed to that particular location. The moment they change their profile from A0004 to N1608, which is another approved arrangement that they have in their profile, they get to see the two directions, and it's exactly for the same Entry ID.
There's an inspect pack that has been directed to N1608. You'll also notice here that the approved arrangement is unable to select the food program, and that is because the inspection location is either missing or that the food program or the food direction has not been directed to N1608. For security reasons, you'll also see that the inspection location has been hashed out on the body from your view and is not selectable. The reason that is presented there, however, is for you to know that there is a full direction against this Entry ID that potentially requires an inspection as well.
Now we've spoken about how the views appear for an approved arrangement. Let’s look at when an importer logs into the system. As an importer when Alf Michael has logged into the system, they get to see all those three directions that require an inspection, and they can request an inspection on behalf of those approved arrangements. The food program direction here needs a location to be added before it can be selected. And once the location has been added, that check box becomes activated for the importer to select that direction to lodge as well.
We spoke about directions that cannot be requested due to some pending actions. So, a pending action could be at the entry number level itself, or the pending action could be specific to the line or container on which you have another direction that requires an inspection. An example of documentation processing required is SIP document assessment, AEP random audit AEP verification. These are all directions that could prevent you from requesting an inspection for another direction at the entry level itself. In order for you to be able to begin requesting an inspection, you need to ensure that these pending actions against the entry are completed.
You may also not be able to request an inspection against specific directions if they are pending actions against connected lines or containers in the consignment. Examples being a movement withheld pending agree to treat against the same container. These are examples, there are several other directions that could or that might need actions to be performed before an inspection request can occur. Here's an example of what the portal displays in one of those instances. So, for a given entry, Alf Michaels is logged in as an importer and this entry actually has two directions that require an inspection to be lodged against. But the error message displayed to them is that they cannot lodge an inspection request for this entry while there's other pending actions.
Jumping on to Topic two, adding a missing inspection location. In the previous screen we saw an add location link against the food direction. When the user clicks the add location link, you'll see another pop-up window open up where you can begin typing in the inspection location. As you start typing the address, this is auto complete functionality, where once you start typing the portal presents to you applicable choices or a list of addresses that match what you've typed in. You'll be able to select the right address. If you cannot find the address through this function, you can also manually type in the address. Once you select that option to type the address manually, those address fields become activated, and then you can key them in manually. Do not forget to answer the last part of this question at the bottom of the screen, which is about the address being a private residence or a manned storage facility. This helps the department send the right number of inspectors to the location based on your response to this question.
Jumping on to topic three, the inspection sequence. There are identified sequences that the portal manages. You don't have to do anything from your perspective, but this is for your information. If there is a biosecurity direction and an imported food direction, the biosecurity inspection should have occurred first, before the food direction can be inspected, and similarly between biosecurity directions there are certain sequences that require to be followed. Examples being that a compliance verification, inspect secure seals intact, if that direction is present, it needs to occur first before any other biosecurity direction can be inspected. Similarly, there's other examples. So, if you've got a seals intact prawns that needs to occur first before any other prawn inspection can occur. Having said that, these directions can be inspected together as long as you're lodging the request for those directions together. Let's take an example. If you've requested a food direction, initially, you might not get a booking for it straight away from the department until a request for the biosecurity direction has also been lodged, and that has been booked. Similarly, between the biosecurity directions, if one of the proceeding requests have not been lodged, and you've lodged the subsequent direction, you might not get a booking until the proceeding direction that requires an inspection to be conducted has been booked by the department.
That brings us to the end of this presentation. thank you, and we'll open up for questions and discussions.
Biosecurity Portal Webinar Series – Session Four RFI Lodgement (Specifics Part 2)
Good morning or Good afternoon to all of you depending on where you are.
Let's get started with this presentation. We're going to be focusing on some specifics of the RFI process and specifically we'll cover the following topics. So, responding to the consignment tab or the consignment specific questions, how to select the right inspection or consignment type for your inspection, which is one of the questions in that tab. And when do you use the multiday booking option?
So, without further ado, let's jump in. So, by this point we assume that you would have logged into the Portal either using myGovID or using your other users method of logging in. And you've started the process of requesting an inspection and you've progressed to a tab called the Consignment Information tab. On this tab you'll see several questions that are about the consignment. Some of these questions are standard questions. And then there are other questions that are very specific to the consignment that you're importing and that will be based on the direction that you've selected or the commodities that you've selected to request an inspection for.
We'll have a look at the standard questions. So, starting right at the top. You have the first question inspection or consignment information. We will be covering this in a little more detail right at the end of this presentation. So, I'll park that for just now. The second question is about hazardous goods and fumigants. This is where you tell us or select between Yes and No if the consignment contains any hazardous goods or fumigants explosives, chemicals, biological matter being examples.
The consignment type is not a mandatory question but if you do know what type of consignment is, whether it's flat track or is a tank or open top or six containers, select all that is applicable.
The bulk commodities question is where you tell us if the consignment contains any bulk commodities of stock feed and or fertiliser. If you select yes, you'll see an additional question pop up requesting whether the containment is in bags or is loose.
Multiday booking option is where you tell us if you require a booking that is spread over multiple days. I'll give you an example. Let's say your consignment is in multiple containers, and not all containers are coming off at the same time from the ship, so they're not going to be ready for inspection at the same time. But it's all lodged onto a single entry and a single direction applied against those containers. And if that is the case you would select yes against the multiday booking. And then once you do that, you'll have a free text field to provide further information about your request. Here is where you can tell us what containers are coming off on what days. So, giving us a bit of information about when those bookings for those specific containers can be arranged for you. And that's what is required here.
Jumping on. We'll talk about some consignment specific questions. Now, these consignment specific questions, you'll not see all of them at the same time. The portal presents questions that are specific to the direction that has been selected for inspection, it also is based on the commodity or your response to the first question, which was about the consignment or inspection information. So, depending on the values selected in that question or the direction selected, the portal presents very specific questions. I'll give you examples. If the consignment type is cut flowers and or the direction is for a cut flowers inspection, you'll see the section of the Portal requesting more information about that consignment including number of growers, the number of phytosanitary certificates. These are mandatory questions. Similarly, if the consignment is for import of fish, you'll see the section on fish requesting the number of boxes. Same thing goes with fresh produce. If it's a fresh produce consignment or the consignment information that you entered in the first question is for example an apple inspection, you'll see the fresh produce questions pop up in the portal.
Same thing applies for seeds, machinery or vehicles. Again, that depends on the direction selected or the response to the first question. Word of caution here, the question about providing the number of machinery or vehicles does not refer to the serial number of the machinery or vehicle. It's the quantity of the number of machinery or vehicles. And if the inspection is for a consignment of Japanese cars being imported that's where you can see the jevic inspection question. That'll pop up and specifically for jevic inspections, please let us know if that entry ID is for the consolidated charging purposes. And if yes, select the option, Yes, you will have further questions that pop up based on your selection or your response to this question.
Cargo compliance and verification inspection specific to CCV inspections, just let us know the total time estimated for the unpack. This helps us provide the right duration for the booking. Imported food inspections, be it imported food inspections or failed food inspections, you'll see the question pop up. Now the time or the duration requested for you to enter here is the duration that has been directed on the food control certificate by the department. So, if you have a look at the food control certificate for the corresponding direction, you'll notice a time or a duration entered or directed by the department. And that's exactly what you need to enter into this field in minutes. And also, there's an additional question if the imported commodity requires sampling. This is where you can tell us if the commodity requires freezing. If you do select Yes, you get an additional question which talks about refrigeration needs.
So, let's come back to the first question which we parked for the end, this being the inspection or the consignment information. Now, this question sometimes will automatically populate a response based on some selections you've made in the Portal. I'll give you examples. So, the portal is smart enough to identify certain matches automatically. This depends on the direction that you're requesting and all the tariff codes of the commodity that you've selected.
So based on the selections, if the portal has automatically assessed a matching inspection or consignment information, it'll populate it. In this screen shot you see Cut Import inspection has been automatically populated by the portal. If it has been automatically populated by the portal, you'll find it right under the question itself with a little i in a circle. You will not be able to remove any automatically populated responses.
But you can add to the inspection types by manually selecting more. It is really important for you to assess the situation. If, for example, you're including multiple directions in the request, it is possible that the portal has matched an automatic response to this question based on one or more of the directions and has not matched a response for certain other directions that are included in your request. So therefore, it's important for you to review what has been automatically added for completeness and include anything that requires to be added manually. It's not a complete field. As you start typing in the name of the consignment, the response automatically populates, or it'll at least give you a list of matching choices from which you can select. You can only add a response once, once it's added you can't add it again if that makes sense.
Most often the best method of identifying the right value to input in this question is to simply start typing the name of the commodity itself. So, for example, if the inspection is, I mean, if the commodity is coffee beans or rice or other such commodities, you start typing the name of the commodity itself, you will get a close match which you can potentially use. As a general rule of thumb, if you're unsure of what to select as a response to this question, please do give us a call, and we can help you identify the right value to enter against this question. It's important that you do not select something randomly because the response to questions are used by the system in automatically assigning the right competency of the inspector that needs to conduct this inspection as well as calculating the duration required for this inspection. So, all of the consignment specific questions that you see in the portal are used for that specific purpose. So, responding to them incorrectly could lead to the wrong inspector turning up with the wrong competency is what I meant. And the duration of the inspection being allocated incorrectly meaning that that inspection may not be able to go ahead. It might need to be cancelled and rebooked. So, to avoid any of those situations if in doubt, best rule thumb, give us a call and we'll be able to help you, or email us and we'll be able to help you.
Either way, a full listing of all the inspection or consignment values can be found in the portal itself. On the home page of the portal, here's a link to the portal user guide. And within that link within that page there's a PDF document of all the inspection consignment information types that can be selected from. So, if you choose to refer to that list instead of having to search here, suit yourself. I mean, that that might be an easier way for some people. But that is available if you need to use it.
That brings us to the end of this session.
Biosecurity Portal Webinar Series – Session Five RFI Lodgement (Specifics Part 3)
The topics we're going to be covering today are responding to appointment details question and selecting goods, availability, time and period and how and when you should be requesting an urgent inspection.
At this point, we assume you've already logged into the portal either using your digital identity or the other user method of logging in. And you've progressed down the request or inspection path. And at one point you'll encounter this tab called the appointment Details Tab. Presenting to you questions about the appointment or the booking that you're requesting itself. This is a screenshot of what that tab looks like and the questions on that. So, we jump into each of these specific questions and talk about them.
So, starting with the goods availability, the goods availability question helps us understand when the consignment is going to be available for inspection. That is the earliest date that you'll get for your booking for your inspection. So, for example, if you selected let's say the 15th of March 2023. The department will ensure that the booking is not provided earlier than the 15th of March 2023. And it'll be a date closest to the next available appointment for your given situation.
Also note that apart from selecting the date, you can also select the time on the screen. You get a little clock icon right at the bottom. If you selected the clock icon you'll also be able to change the time. The time automatically defaults to the current based on your computer. But that can be changed. So, if you wanted to request 15th of March after 12 PM, you can change that using this option.
The next section or the next question is about the preferred inspection period. And this is where you tell us whether you want that inspection to be conducted during an AM slot or a PM slot. Selecting any time provides us a broader time period to give you an appointment. So, if AM or PM is not something that you are going to be restricted by please ensure that you do select any time. That way it gives you a better opportunity to get a booking at an earlier time frame.
Over time needs to be selected if the inspection requires to be happening after hours. And we're talking about regular business hours of the department. And outside of those business hours, the organization's opening hours will be respected within the selected inspection period. By saying that what I mean is that if the inspection location of the approved arrangement is open from, let's say nine o'clock in the morning to 12 o'clock in the afternoon during an AM slot even though you've selected the AM option, the system will ensure that the booking that is provided to you is within the opening hours of your organisation. But for that to occur, you need to ensure that the opening hours of the organisation are stored against the approved arrangements profile in the portal, and this can be quite easily done by logging into the portal and going into your organisation profile and right at the bottom of the organisation profile, you'll find organisation opening hours. You can actually set the opening hours for your specific location and that is what gets used. When it comes to determining the specific organisations open hours. Note also that the organisation opening hours are not essential for a brokerage type of organisation or an import type of organisation. It is only essential for an approved arrangement type of organisation, that being an inspection location.
Jumping to to meet and the urgency of goods. There are two other questions. One is to meet. You'll use this option to indicate to us that there are other parties that may be required for the inspection and that you need to have the time known to you so you can coordinate the inspection with the other parties. Perishable or urgent goods is a selection that we are using which you can tell us if the consignment requires an urgent booking, examples being live animals, they are perishables, medical supplies, dangerous goods, explosives and so on.
Now it's also important for me to note that if you did mark your goods as perishable or urgent, this is manually checked by the department. If the goods are not determined to be urgent or perishable, they will be downgraded and the and the priority will be taken back to standard priority and you will go back into the queue, you'll still get a booking, but that will change to a standard priority if it is not really an urgent priority. But this does help us get a view of your consignment earlier in the queue. We have a separate queue for urgent and perishables, and we'll be looking at them specifically.
So that's about the end of the presentation.
Biosecurity Portal Webinar Series – Session Six Booking Modification
Today's session is focused on cancellations and modifications of inspection requests and bookings. The topics we'll cover will be cancelling an existing booking or an inspection request and also re-requesting an inspection that has been cancelled and when to request a booking modification.
Jumping in, at this point we assume that you've logged into the portal either using your digital identity or the other user mechanism, and you jumped into the inspection request page. If you need to cancel an inspection request from the inspections page, there are three views here. So, the inspection request view, the upcoming bookings and historical bookings.
To cancel an inspection request you would need to be in the inspection request view where you can see all of your existing inspection requests. And if the status of a request is requested not booked, through the actions column you'll find an option to cancel. So, when you select the cancel button, your inspection request will automatically and instantly be cancelled. A cancelled inspection request goes into the status of cancelled, and you'll continue to see it in the inspection request view. If you do not want to see it there, you can archive it, using the same actions column and you get the archive option instead, it will go into the archive. We've seen this in the past sessions.
Similarly, with the bookings, if you jump into the upcoming booking view you'll see a list of all your active bookings displayed, and to cancel an existing booking, from the actions column again choose cancel and you'll be able to cancel that booking. The cancelled booking, however, goes into your historical bookings view so it doesn't crowd your upcoming booking view. But again, you can archive any record from any of these views at any point in time and un-archive them to their original view if required.
With the cancellations itself you will be provided a notice just before you confirm your cancellation. The notice on the portal is to the effect that, there are two notices. One is if you have any dependent cancellations for your bookings. The portal requires you to cancel them as well. Now, let me give you some examples. You could potentially have requested two separate directions belonging to the same entry. Where there's a dependency between those two bookings. One needs to occur before the other. In that instance, if you were cancelling any one of those bookings, please be conscious of the interdependent booking and examine whether that needs to be cancelled as well. Simply, because the other booking may not be able to be taken forward while you're cancelling one. So, in such a scenario, you'll need to cancel the dependent bookings manually as well.
You may also incur a cancellation fee if your cancellation is triggered 24 hours within a scheduled booking. And by that we don't mean the date on which you were given a booking. But the date of the inspection itself. For example, if your booking was scheduled for 11 AM tomorrow morning and you were triggering the cancellation today, that would fall under the 24-hour category, and therefore you may be charged a cancellation fee if applicable.
Jumping on to booking modifications. Now, this function is only available for digital identity users, other users logging in using email address and password will not find the ability to modify the date and time of an existing booking. However, there is a workaround, and that would be to cancel your existing booking and then re lodge the inspection request as a fresh inspection request. Now, this applies for inspection requests and bookings that have been cancelled as well. So, if at any point in time you've cancelled an inspection request or a booking or, you've cancelled a booking that you've requested to be modified initially, you can re request that inspection request by simply going back into the portal and lodging a fresh inspection request against that entry and direction.
So, booking modifications, you'll be in your upcoming booking view and look at the list of bookings. Find the one that needs to be modified and from the actions Column, select the modify date and time option. That will then present to you a screen where you can provide us new information about the goods availability and your preferred inspection period. These are mandatory questions when you're requesting a modification. So, ensure that the goods availability time that you're selecting is in the future and the preferred inspection period is of convenience to.
You can change the to meet requirement while lodging a modification request. So, if you had originally requested a to meet inspection and it's no longer a to meet, you can leave that unchecked and vice versa. So, if it was originally not a to meet and you want to request a to meet, that can be done via the modification process as well. So, once you click submit, you'll again see the same notice on the portal indicating that if you have any dependent bookings, they need to be modified as well. So, for example, in the previous scenario we spoke of two bookings that which were interdependent, in that scenario if you were making a modification to one of them, then ensure that you make a modification to the other as well. Such that the interdependency between these bookings does not change. A good example would be biosecurity and food direction. For example, if they had been lodged together, you've got two separate bookings, one for your biosecurity and one for your food inspection. Knowing that the food inspection cannot go ahead before the biosecurity inspection, if you are modifying the date or cancelling the biosecurity inspection, ensure that the food inspection booking is modified or cancelled.
When you request a modification of a booking, the status of the booking changes to modification requested and it still displays in your upcoming booking view. You can no longer request a second modification when the status is already modification requested. If you happen to do that, you'll need to first cancel your modification request and then lodge a fresh request for inspection. You can cancel this modification request at any point in time if necessary, and then a fresh request can be raised.
That brings us to the end of today's presentation. We'll open up for questions and discussions if you have any, Thank you very much.
Biosecurity Portal Webinar Series – Session Seven Viewing Import Directions
All right, so let’s get started. Viewing import directions. We're going to be looking at the following topics. Who's authorised to view directions through the portal, what directions can you view, how do you print a copy and also a reference to the industry advice Notice that was released recently.
Let's get in. When it comes to authorization to view directions, the portal is designed in a way where it only displays directions that you are authorised to view, and that authorization is determined by your login. Now, first of all, the function or the functionality to view directions is only available to digital identity users. It is not available to other users logging and using email, address and password.
So based on the selected ABN and your profile within the portal when you're logging in through the digital identity, the system determines what directions you're authorised to view. Brokers and importers can view all import directions directed to them where they are the broker or importer listed in the entry as lodged through ICS and approved arrangements can view import directions directed to that approved arrangement location. So, what that means is, for an approved arrangement, the approved arrangement profile that you have selected in the portal in your login needs to match the approve arrangement location directed in the direction in the import management system for you to be able to view those directions. If you don't or if you're not able to view a specific direction, just make sure that you've logged into the right profile and you've selected the right ABN when logging into the portal itself.
To view import directions, when you go to the home page as a digital identity user, you'll see a tile called View Import Directions. When you select that tile, the next page on the portal, it will allow you to enter an entry number. Once you enter the entry number, the portal will validate that entry ID and, if it is valid, it'll display a list of directions on the next screen. Now, these are not just inspection related directions. These are all directions that you are authorised to view as directed under that entry. Here's an example on the screen that you see. There are two directions where Jord Bellows is the importer, you also see the date and the name of the direction itself. To view the details of a specific direction, when you click on the hyperlink or the direction name itself, on the next page you'll see all of the details. The details themselves are organised in the same method, or the same way as you would see in the original direction that would have been issued through the import management system just to make it easier from a readability perspective.
To print a direction, you can print from any of the pages. So, you can print the direction details, or you can print the direction list. Simply use your keyboard controls, Control P. Or you can go to your file menu and select to print. Once you hit the print option, you'll get into your print dialogue and then you can print off, or through any of the printers that you've configured, or you can print to PDF. If that's something that you wish to do.
The reference to the industry advice notice, it affects all biosecurity portal users. We go to say that the department's developed the biosecurity portal and you can self-serve directions and direction details through the portal itself using this functionality. And it also goes on to talk about how an approved arrangement, broker and importer can view directions using the portal itself. Specifically, the intent of the functionality is for you to be able to view a copy of the direction details as originally directed by the import management system and pass it on to other parties that you might need to provide a copy of the direction to. The details presented through the portal are the same as the details in the original direction issued to the participant by the import management system at any point in time.
So, what that means is, if the direction in the import management system has been reissued, changed or superseded, the same will also be reflected through the portal. At any point in time, however, if you need the original copy of the direction reissued to you through the import management system, you must lodge a request using the cargo online lodgement system to have that re-issued. However, the report is a true and real reflection of what that direction is, as in the import management system at any point in time.
All right, so that brings us to the end of today's presentation, a short one. If you have any questions, let's state them now. Thank you very much.
Biosecurity Portal Webinar Series – Session Eight Lodging Class 14.4 Inspection Outcome
The topics that we're going to be covering today are going to be specific to the class 14.4 rural target inspections. So, we will look at who can use this functionality. How do you lodge a new inspection outcome through the portal, and how do you indicate BRM detected outcome through the portal and submit the form correctly. We'll also talk about when BRM is not detected. How do you go about reporting that?
All right, so jumping in, authorization. Sorry, Authorization to lodge an outcome. So, it's important that you are logged into the portal through the digital identity channel. The other user channel of logging in is not available for lodging rural tailgate outcomes. And once you've logged in through your digital identity being myGovID, you also need to be operating under an approved arrangement profile, which is shown in the red box in the screenshot that you're looking at.
So, if you are an approved arrangement and you've not created an approved arrangement profile within the portal, we've covered that off in one of our previous sessions. If you have any questions give us a call and we can help you with that part of setting yourselves up in the portal. But once you are logged in to an approved arrangement profile, you'll see a tile called the approved arrangement outcomes. So that's the tile that you need to go to access this functionality. If you're logged in as a broker or an importer, you'll not see that tile, just making that clear.
So, once you've logged in to begin lodging an inspection outcome and you click on the approved arrangement outcome tile and that'll take you into the approved arrangement outcomes page. At the bottom of the screen, you'll see historical inspection outcomes, along with the status. So, this is a list of any inspection outcomes that you've already lodged with the department. They'll appear as a list here. The status is being submitted, meaning that you've already submitted an outcome. You'll not be able to submit an outcome for a line for which you've already submitted an outcome in the past. So, you can only submit an outcome once.
To begin lodging a new inspection outcome, you click on the tile on this page which says class 14.4 inspection outcomes. That will take you to the inspection outcome page. You can select an entry ID to begin starting your request or lodgement. If there's a lot of entry IDs, you can also filter or look up a specific entry ID using the search function on the top right-hand corner of this page. So, as you key in the entry ID, you should see the entry ID that you want to pick now. The entry IDs presented on the portal on this page are only those entries that require an outcome to be submitted and those that you're authorised to view. The authorization itself comes through your login and which is why it's important that you have logged in with the right ABN and selected the right approved arrangement profile. So as long as you've done that right, you should be able to find your entry. Worst case if you're not able to find your entry on this page at any point in time, give us a call and we'll, try and troubleshoot what's going on, and we can help you with that as well. Then, once you've selected an entry, the portal will present a list of lines that are available for you to lodge against.
You can only select one line at a time for a lodgement. If you had multiple lines that you needed to lodge, you'll lodge them as separate lodgements. The status column indicates either an open status or a submitted status. So, if you see a submitted status, that means that an outcome has already been submitted for that specific line. You'll be able to select any line where the status is open, and then when you click on start, you'll be presented the outcome information page. So, there's a lot of mandatory information that needs to be completed across these, across the form. Container type is a drop-down field, when you see the dropdown list pick the most appropriate container type from the list. The date inspected again is a mandatory field ensure. Please ensure that the date inspected is in the past, and not in the future. Because, selecting a date from the future or current might not process your lodgement correctly in our systems.
Is hazardous goods detected? Yes and No, self-explanatory that one. Inspection type, Internal and External or Externally, so that depends on what type of inspection you conducted. If the inspection was internal and external, choose that option. If it was just an external inspection, choose the second option. The inspection outcome is where you tell us if the BRM, if there was any BRM detected or there was no BRM. So, if you are reporting a nil BRM, please select the No BRM detected option. If there was any BRM detected, select the BRM detected option. Once you select the BRM detected option, you'll notice a section appearing on the portal with the BRM details that can be added. If no BRM was selected in the previous question, the BRM details section will not appear on the portal. So, the section only appears if detected selected is yes.
Now, the BRM details section is categorised into several categories, animal, invertebrates, contamination and so on. You can add one or more BRM details under each category. So, to add a category simply just click the add button beside the category itself, and that will provide you an option to add the type, the external location and the internal location again. The form is presenting external location and internal location in this scenario, because in the previous screen we selected the inspection type as external and internal. If you had selected external only then the form will only present an external location option for you to select from.
Now if the inspection was conducted internally and externally, but the BRM was found only in one of the locations, you can select BRM not detected on the location where BRM was not detected. So, in this instance, we've taken internal and external inspection conducted. BRM was only detected externally, so we've selected surface of steel frame and internal location BRM was not detected. Now, if BRM was detected in both locations, you'd be selecting an appropriate value from the internal location drop down as well.
Similarly, to add another category, animal BRM detected, when you click on the add button against animal again, it'll create another row of information for you to add another animal category. You can do the same thing with invertebrates, contamination and all the other categories.
Once you've answered all the mandatory questions correctly on this page, the container management section will take you through the action that was conducted. So, you've got three choices. Container secured and BRM contained, external contamination removed, and external contamination removed by washing or steaming. Choose the most appropriate or correct answer and the biosecurity outcome. This is where you tell us whether the container was referred to the department or the container was released from biosecurity control. The date of notification or release again has to be in the past or the present. It cannot be a future date. Please ensure that it is not a future date, because otherwise the system can not process the lodgement correctly.
The Declaration section is where we present the privacy notice and the privacy policy. If you'd like to look at the privacy notice or the privacy policy, click on the hyperlink. You'll be taken to a page with the privacy notice and policies. By submitting, you are acknowledging that you agree with the Declaration of the Privacy Notice and Policy. Once you submit the outcome, you'll be presented a submission confirmation page, which will have a submission ID. This is a unique ID for each submission that you provide or lodge. And the submission ID will appear in the historical section we saw on the first page.
So, the historical inspections will have your entry ID and the line description. Again, to look at what you actually submitted, you can click on the hyperlink of the line itself, and that should display all the information that you submitted in the past.
All right, so that brings us to the end of today's webinar.
Biosecurity Portal – Instructional video on lodging a food and/or failed food request for inspection via the Other User channel
This video will demonstrate the process of lodging a request for inspection for food or failed food inspection using the other user login method in the Portal.
In order to lodge an inspection request for food inspections, you'll need a copy of the Food Control Certificate issued to you by the department.
If you have not received a copy of the Food Control Certificate, please check with your broker or importer or the approved arrangement so they can send you a copy. If you're unable to get hold of the Food Control Certificate, please contact the department to have it reissued.
Here is an example of a Food Control Certificate. The consignment or entry number will be listed on the top right corner of this document, details of lines that require a food inspection will be displayed under the subsection line details for food certificate under the heading of inspection or inspection analysis required.
Once the food inspection has been completed, the department will issue an imported food inspection advice. The imported food inspection advice contains the outcome of your inspection. If the initial inspection fails, the imported food inspection advice will contain details of the failure along with options available to you being either to reexport, destroy, or relabel, and reinspect.
If you choose to have the failure reasons rectified and have the food consignment reinspected, you must request a failed food inspection through the Portal. Here is an example of an imported food inspection advice that you're required to lodge a request for failed food inspection. The consignment or entry number will be listed on the top right corner of this document. Details of lines that have failed an inspection previously will be listed in the body of this document, along with reasons for failure and the options available to you.
To begin lodging your inspection request access the biosecurity Portal using the URL www.biosecurity.gov.au. You may want to save this link under your favourites tab for ease of accessing it in the future. There are a few important points to remember while using the biosecurity Portal. Access the Portal only using the latest version of either Google's Chrome browser or Microsoft Edge browser or the Apple Safari browser. The Portal is not supported by other browsers like Mozilla Firefox. Also ensure that your browser’s cookie settings are turned on to allow cookies and pop up blockers are turned off. These basic browser settings are essential to access the biosecurity Portal effectively.
Once you're in the Portal, you'll see the following home page. Select the other user tile to log in using your registered email address and password. Now, if you've not previously registered, you'll first need to register using the sign up link at the bottom of this page and complete all mandatory registration information before being able to log in using those credentials.
For the purpose of this demonstration, we're gonna swap over to our test environment and we'll do the exact same thing. We need to select other users. And we log in with our previously registered credentials. And once you log in, you'll be presented the authenticated home page of the Portal. Select inspection requests on this page. The bottom of the page has three distinct views. Inspection requests, historical bookings and upcoming bookings. There's a separate video demonstration providing details about each of these views. If you're interested in knowing more about these views, please refer to that video demonstration.
To begin lodging a new inspection request for food or for failed food inspections, select request and import inspection. The Portal then presents a text box where you can enter the entry number or the consignment number. For this example, we're gonna go back to our food control certificate and key in the entry ID from the Food Control certificate into the Portal. And then select next.
The Portal then validates the entry ID that you've entered. If the entry ID is correct, it'll let you progress to the next screen where you can enter the directions. If the entry ID is incorrect, it would present an error requesting you to rectify the mistakes in the entry ID and try again. On the next page this is where you key in the names of the directions. You can include all directions required for your inspection request. For a food inspection or for an imported food failed food inspection, begin by typing imported food and the Portal then gives you two options, one imported for inspection and another for imported food failed for inspection.
Now, if your inspection request is for a failed food inspection, select failed food inspection from this choice, and if it is for an imported food inspection against the original Food Control Certificate, then select imported food inspection. Just for this example, we're going to select both and click next.
But remember that you you don't have to select both if it's for a food inspection, you just go with imported food inspection. And if it's got a failed food inspection, you just select the imported food failed food inspection, select next. The Portal then validates these directions and lets you progress to the next page, being the inspection location page. On this page it is critical that you answer this question about the inspection location being the same as that stated in the biosecurity direction, always with a No.
When you do that, the Portal then presents a page where you can key in the address where you want this inspection to be conducted. When you begin keying in the address, the Portal auto completes those address details and provides a few choices. Select the correct address from the choices displayed. If the Portal is unable to provide the right choice, you are able to manually key in the address to progress.
The next part of this is also the question about the address being a private residence or an unmanned storage facility. If this is a unmanned storage facility or a private residence, please select Yes. If not, select the answer No and then click save and next on this page.
And the next step is about the location contacts. Now these are the contact details of the person or people that will be present at the inspection location at the time of inspection. This is for the inspector, the department's inspector, to coordinate the inspection with the person at the inspection location. Key in the primary inspection location contact details. First name, last name, phone number and email address. These are mandatory.
You may also choose to key in secondary inspection location contact details that are not mandatory. Right at the top of this page there's also space for you to key in any additional information about the inspection location. This is where you can key in any specific information about making the location easier to find for our inspectors. Then click save and next.
On the consignment information tab, the first question is about the inspection or consignment information. Now for a failed food or a food inspection this information is potentially and usually automatically selected by the Portal. As you see in this case the Portal has automatically selected failed food disposition inspection, reprocessing present again, and for the imported food inspection that we selected the Portal has selected release after inspection as the consignment type. When the Portal has automatically identified the right consignment types you don't have to add any further consignment types for this question. In the event the Portal has not automatically identified a consignment type, you may begin keying in the name of the consignment and you'll see a list of choices that you can select from. In this case, because the Portal has identified automatically, we'll skip that.
Hazardous goods and fumigations - answer this question with a Yes or a No. So this is about the consignment containing any explosives, chemicals, biologically matter, etcetera. We're going to say No in this case.
The consignment type is, if known, a multi select response. If it is Not known, you can leave this completely blank. I'm going to go with six added container for this example.
Bulk commodities are when the consignment contains bulk commodities of stock feed or fertilizer. If you're answered Yes, the Portal presents another question about the packaging being in bags or loose, and you can select one of those. For this example, we're going to say that it's not a consignment of bulk commodities.
A multiday request is a request that cannot be inspected over the single day. So when you're consignment requires to be inspected over multiple days or multiple times, select Yes as the response to this question and then you can key in the information about your multiday booking in the text box. By example container number, requested for Monday the 1st of let's say August 2023 and a container number requested for Wednesday, the 3rd of August 2023. Now this is just an example of how you would put together a multiday booking request. Now if this is not a multiday booking request, simply select No.
The imported food inspection duration is the estimated duration that is presented to you in the Food Control Certificate. Let me show you an example of how that would appear. So, if you looked at your Food Control Certificate in the additional directions section, you will notice the inspection time estimation. In this example this is 30 minutes, and this is only an estimate. Now this is the duration that is expected to be entered in the Portal, so we'll go in and enter 30 minutes. Now for a food control certificate and for a food inspection, this is the duration you would enter. For a failed food inspection, where the choice you've elected is to relabel and reinspect.
Please ensure that the minimum estimated duration you're entering is is the same as the duration that has been estimated on the food control certificate. For a reexport or destruction, please use your best estimate to increase the duration as required.
It could be 60 minutes and 1/2 hours depending on the number of containers to be or number of packages to be reexported or destroyed. At minimum, please ensure that the duration is not less than the estimated duration presented to you on the Food Control Certificate. Does the imported food commodity require sampling? If Yes, select Yes, and if the commodity requires refrigeration or freezing select, Yes. Save and next after that.
On the next tab is where you tell us more information about your goods and its availability. The goods availability time indicates when the goods will be earliest available for inspection. So, select a date in the future. Also noting that if you want to specify a particular time, you can click that clock icon at the bottom and key in the exact time that this commodity or the consignment is going to be available for inspection.
The preferred inspection period is a choice of either AM, PM, Anytime or Overtime. Overtime being outside business hours. Selecting Anytime provides the department the best opportunity to provide a booking in response to your request at the earliest.
The To Meet inspection is applicable only when a Biosecurity Officer is required to attend booking at a specific time in cases where specialist equipment or labor higher is required. And where there is no To Meet requirement, please ensure you that you do not select this checkbox. If you do select the To Meet requirement, the department will provide an exact time for your booking and make the time known to you so you can coordinate that time with other third-party bodies as required.
Perishable and urgent indicator is for urgent goods which include live animals, air freight perishables, non-refrigerated perishables, urgent medical supplies, so on and so forth. If you're goods are urgent or perishable, please select the indicator to tell us that it requires to be booked early. Also, please note that if the goods are not really perishable, or urgent, selecting this could cause delays in your booking to be made.
On the next page you'll be displayed a summary of the information you've entered until now. Verify that the information that you've entered is all correct. Review the declaration, the privacy notice and the privacy policy, and then submit the form. Once you submit the form, you'll be presented with a unique inspection request ID which you can then track using the Portal. The Portal does display the real time status of where you're request is up to, and once a booking has been made against this request, an email notification will also be sent to you by the department to Notify you of the booking date into. I hope this helps.
Thank you very much.
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For Approved Arrangement Management Product (AAMP) enquiries, see the AAMP FAQs page or email AA Canberra (aa.canberra@daff.gov.au). To help us ensure your questions go to the right people, please put "AAMP' in the email subject field.